
Evaluation with OpenCompass#

OpenCompass is a one-stop platform for large model evaluation. It supports a wide range of evaluation datasets and is well maintained. OpenCompass has inherently implemented an interface for LLaMA2-Accessory models, so that all the models developed using LLaMA2-Accessory can be seamlessly evaluated on all the datasets supported by OpenCompass.


Before evaluation, please briefly read the OpenCompass document to understand its basic workings. Generally speaking, for each time of evaluation, opencompass expects a pair of data and model configurations. The data configuration specifies the datasets used for the evaluation, and the model configuration determines which model will be evaluated. In most cases, you only need to work on these two configuration files to evaluate your own model.


There is no difference in the data configuration when testing llama2-accessory models compared to testing other models, and you may refer to the OpenCompass document to learn how to customize it. For model configuration, some off-the-shelf examples for typical LLaMA2-Accessory models are provided here. Users are encouraged to read and modify these example configurations to meet their own requirements.

Running Evaluation#

The evaluation launching command for LLaMA2-Accessory models is also totally the same as that for other models, so you can use what you learned from the OpenCompass document without special care. For convenience, we provide the command we use below:


model="accessory_mixtral_8x7b"  # will use configs/models/accessory/accessory_mixtral_8x7b.py
dataset="base_small"  # will use configs/datasets/collections/base_small.py

python run.py --models ${model} --datasets ${dataset} \
--work-dir ./outputs/"${exp_name}"  --config-dir ./configs --reuse

model="accessory_mixtral_8x7b"  # will use configs/models/accessory/accessory_mixtral_8x7b.py
dataset="base_small"  # will use configs/datasets/collections/base_small.py

python run.py --slurm -p ${partition} -q auto --models ${model} --datasets ${dataset} \
--work-dir ./outputs/"${exp_name}"  --config-dir ./configs --reuse


The base_small.py data configuration consists a lot of datasets, and you may not want to test them all. Please read this file, comment the unneeded datasets, and possibly add some other datasets you want before evaluation.